Sunday, 31 January 2016

Rainy days

On the upside, our rainwater tank is completely full and over flowing.

On the downside, it hasn't stopped raining for like a week now. Everything is stained with muddy red footprints. The grass (lets be honest, weeds) are all ankle height because we can't mow the wet grass. I'm down to my last pair of undies because we can't dry the clothes. We've barely had any customers because no one wants to be outside in this weather.

It's pretty relentless.

Josh and I made a trip to Brisbane on Thursday afternoon, to pick up 300kg of Queen Garnet "super plums". It was nice to get away for the night and have dinner in Southbank. It wasn't so nice driving in the bumpy old ute, who's only redeeming feature (the killer air-con) died about an hour in to the eight hour return journey.

Despite a few dramas, we managed to pick up the plums on Friday morning, and sweated our way back to Childers.

It was grey and cloudy, and incredibly humid when we arrived home - yet we started processing the plums. Since we have no forklift, we were packing the plums into smaller boxes, carrying them to our cellar and crushing them.

The crusher broke.

So - we have 150kg worth of plums processed and fermenting, the other 150kg are sitting in the cool room to ripen up a little more before we subject the crusher to any more torture.

In summary, this week has been a lot of rain, sweat and plum juice.

1 comment:

  1. You're doing amazing! I hope your ute and your crusher feel better soon. Play them some music and give them a back rub!
